I Count : PYP Readers Level 1
카를로스, 잭슨 그리고 미카는 같은 학교에 다닙니다. 모두 놀이터에서 처음 만났어요. 카를로스, 잭슨, 미카는 공중 사다리를 건너며 친해지게 되고, 차례로 돌아가며 숫자세기를 하네요. 이들은 좋은 친구가 될 수 있을까요?
Carlos, Jackson and Mika all attend the same school. On the playground they meet for the first time. Mika, Carlos and Jackson all share with each other while swinging across the monkey bars. Everyone takes turns counting as the children move across the ladder. As they play, they realize they have a lot to learn about what really counts.