Leftovers : PYP Readers Level 2
수업시간에 혜성에 대해 조사를 하기로 했어요. 리카도, 진희, 사르탁, 멜리사는 같은 한 팀이에요. 조사를 하면서 친구들은 혜성이 태양계의 잔여물이라고 생각하게 되요. 하지만 사르탁의 의견은 달라요. 이 문제에 대한 답을 찾기 위해 친구들은 어떤 이야기들을 하게 될까요?
It’s time for the students in Ms. Cooper’s class to do research about comets.?Richardo, Jin Hee, Saarthak and Melissa are one of the research teams. Their question asks if comets are leftovers of the solar system. This question makes Saarthak mad because he likes comets and doesn’t want them called leftovers. It’s up to the rest of the students to change his mind so that they can work at answering their research question.