Four Letters, One Story : PYP Readers Level 4
이번 모험에서 친구들은 46권의 책을 읽어야 하고 이것을?한 마디로 요약해야 합니다. 46권의 책은 단지 네 글자로 쓰여져 있어요. 이건 도저히 이룰 수 없는 모험일 거 같아요. 친구들은 어떻게 해야 할까요?
Because the title “Four Letters, One Story” intrigues the children, they choose?this adventure as their last one at Edventureland. They are astonished to learn that the story is contained in forty-six books but composed of only four letters. When they receive the instructions for the adventure and discover they must read all forty-six books and summarize them in a single word, they have second thoughts. But when the library turns out to be a double-helix roller coaster, the children make their greatest discovery yetㅡthey are the story written with four letters!